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Welcome to Rock of Ages Mail Order Music

We stock a huge selection of Vinyl, CDs, CD Singles, Music Magazines, Tour Programmes, Posters, Tickets, DVDs, Books & other Memorabilia items. We are based in the UK and specialise in rare, hard to find, collectable, deleted, promo, limited editions and imported items.

We stock most genres of music from the 1960′s to present day - Over 30,000 different items currently in stock, and we ship worldwide.

Tips on searching: Use the Artist search box to find a specific Artist , Title, Label or Genre.

Alternatively, use the browse button to browse popular Artists along with their linked Artists. For example browsing the Queen section will return results for Queen AND Freddie Mercury AND Roger Taylor etc. You can also use the browse button to browse entire categories, for example browse the JAZZ category to see a list of all JAZZ items currently in stock.


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